Husk meg

Før kampen: Fredrikstad - Lech Poznan

Flat Trådet Nøstet
Side 2 av 6 2


Ble medlem: 22 okt 04
Innlegg: 5439

Lagt til: 30 jul 09, 12:43

Opprinnelig postet av skoroopczak

hi y'all ffk supporters! I'm a huge fan of my city's best football club Lech Poznań. And I must say that I'm really sorry that none of polish tv stations is broadcasting todays match. That is the main reason i conquered difficulties with registering to this forum ;) My question is: do you know any tv channel or do you got some internet link (sopcast or etc.) where i could watch the game? I would really appreciate an answer. thx anyway and good luck!

As far as I know, no TV station has picked up the rights for the game. You might get some highlights on after the game though.

Good luck to you too Smile


The colour of her eyes
Were the colour of insanity

Tidspunkt Skrevet av
29 jul 09, 17:14 » Lex
29 jul 09, 17:19 » RC2
29 jul 09, 18:16 » Rey
29 jul 09, 20:12 » Lex
30 jul 09, 00:12 » Lemmy
30 jul 09, 08:41 » Guillermo
30 jul 09, 12:23 » Slettet
30 jul 09, 12:26 » skoroopczak
30 jul 09, 12:43 » Rey
30 jul 09, 13:02 » skoroopczak
30 jul 09, 13:20 » Rey
30 jul 09, 12:48 » TheDude
30 jul 09, 13:07 » skoroopczak
30 jul 09, 14:55 » TheDude
30 jul 09, 15:09 » FFK1903
30 jul 09, 15:10 » Freddy G-Paulsen
30 jul 09, 12:26 » MA
30 jul 09, 12:32 » Guillermo
30 jul 09, 12:43 » TheDude
30 jul 09, 13:47 » Sing&JumpFTW
30 jul 09, 13:51 » Per Egil
30 jul 09, 13:53 » Guillermo
30 jul 09, 15:44 » Stoni
30 jul 09, 15:46 » ffkmufc
30 jul 09, 15:53 » Gardarson
30 jul 09, 15:57 » ffkmufc
30 jul 09, 16:09 » denialsander
30 jul 09, 16:23 » Lex
30 jul 09, 16:41 » Costanza
30 jul 09, 16:48 » Slettet
Forumet er moderert av: arte et labore, marle, morten, per egil, Planken og Rey

Flat Trådet Nøstet
Side 2 av 6 2

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